
What is an Endangered Flower?

Jane Marsh - October 31, 2022

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Environmentalists are becoming increasingly concerned with species endangerment and extinction. When individuals consider the impacts of ecological degradation, they often think of endangered animals like polar bears. Another ecosystem element to consider when evaluating endangerment is vegetation.

Various plant species are at risk of extinction. Without certain plants, the global ecosystem would experience a chain reaction of degradation. Before exploring the most endangered flowers around the world, individuals must assess why they are at risk of extinction.

Why Are There Endangered Flowers?

An endangered flower derives from various environmental occurrences. Humanity influences most of the ecological impacts causing vegetation destruction. One of the most common causes of endangerment is habitat loss.

Today, there are nearly 7.9 billion individuals on Earth. Housing the growing population influences clear-cutting, urbanization and other land-degrading impacts. Decreasing the amount of natural land on Earth limits flower growth.

Another effect that influences flower endangerment is soil erosion. Agricultural production and other human activities increase soil’s vulnerability to wind, rain and flooding. As the elements interfere with the ground, they deplete nutrient levels and decrease flower reproduction rates.

Pollinator endangerment also influences vegetation loss. Flowers rely on bees, butterflies, wasps and other insects to transfer pollen from plant to plant. Climate change is decreasing the number of pollinators in the ecosystem which limits flower development.

Vegetation and the Anthropocene

Most of the endangerment effects come from the Anthropocene. The era signifies the modern geological epoch, which human disruption influences. The Anthropocene causes climate change from manufacturing, building and transportation emissions.

When greenhouse gas emissions invade the atmosphere, they degrade its ability to regulate global temperatures. As the plant becomes warmer, the evaporation rate increases. The environmental effect causes water displacement.

Some regions experience more precipitation because of water displacement and other areas are left in elongated drought periods. Some flowers are unable to grow in flooded or dry regions because of nutrient depletion. Increased temperatures also cause forced migration for many animal and insect species.

As summer heat waves increase in frequency, species must travel north to access compatible habitats. Flowers are unable to retreat north quickly, leaving them without supportive ecosystems. The Anthropocene is causing flower endangerment around the world, influencing potential extinction rates.

America’s Endangered Flower

America has various flowers on its endangered species list. The Desert Yellowhead flower grows on mountains in the western U.S. It is 12 inches high and contains multiple yellow flowers.

Climate change is decreasing the Desert Yellowhead population. Mining practices are also increasing the species’ exposure to uranium which adversely impacts growth rates. Another species on the endangerment list is the Persistent Trillium.

The flower is also about one foot high and produces three pedals. Climate change also negatively impacts Persistent Trillium growth patterns. Australia is experiencing similar ecological effects that place its flowers at risk of endangerment.  

Australia’s Endangered Flower

Nearly 50 of Australia’s flowers are at high risk of extinction. There are less than ten Prasophyllum Laxum flowers left in the country. Droughts and wildfires are causing endangerment which leads ecologists to take action.

Environmentalists are placing the flowers in protected habitats to increase repopulation. They also target the reproduction of the Spyridium Fontis-Woddii flower. There are only about 15 plants left supporting the flower population.

Australia is increasing its climate change prevention tactics to minimize endangerment. India is also experiencing adverse ecological effects which decrease flower populations.

India’s Endangered Flower

Nearly a fourth of the plants are at risk of extinction. India is notorious for its rich flora which supports the local ecosystem. Without flowers, the country would experience various adverse effects.

The Santalum Album is a sandalwood tree that blooms in the winter and spring. One of the causes of endangerment is direct human degradation. Individuals use the tree to create medicine, incense and other holistic treatments.

The plant helps treat rashes, gonorrhea and bronchitis. As the global population increases, the demand for sandalwood also rises. Individuals can prevent the extinction of flower variations by engaging in sustainability practices.

How We Can Protect Global Vegetation

Individuals can prevent species extinction by decreasing climate change effects. Greenhouse gases are the leading cause of global temperature increases. Minimizing one’s carbon footprint effectively lowers the enhanced greenhouse effect.

Consumers can also investigate the ecological effects of their consumption patterns and residential practices. If individuals solely purchase new goods, they may contribute to large quantities of emissions. Also, when residents clear natural spaces to build massive houses, they decrease local habitats.

Individuals may engage in alternate forms of transportation to shrink their carbon footprints. They can also purchase used goods and move into multi-family homes to protect flowers’ natural habitats.

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About the author

Jane Marsh

Starting from an early age, Jane Marsh loved all animals and became a budding environmentalist. Now, Jane works as the Editor-in-Chief of Environment.co where she covers topics related to climate policy, renewable energy, the food industry, and more.