How to Put an End to Makeup Testing on Animals
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When people walk into a store, they’re thinking about what they need to buy and how quickly they can get out of there. That’s to be expected, especially when brands don’t advertise how they make their products in the stores where they’re sold.
If people do more research into what products they use on a daily basis, they’re able to make informed decisions about what they’re buying. The few minutes it’ll take to learn about this process could actually end up saving lives.
Animal testing is commonly acknowledged as a way that companies test products before putting them on the market, but the damage done to animals is extensive. Read on to learn how exactly you can help put an end to the dangerous and lethal ways that animals are used for product testing so you can ensure you’re promoting cruelty-free companies and using ethically made products.
Do Your Research
Animal testing is more than picturing furry animals with lipstick and eyeshadow on. The chemicals and other ingredients that are put into products are chosen specifically because they increase production and profit while minimizing overall production costs. They may not be harmful for humans to use, but to ensure that, companies put the lives of animals on the line when they are even the intended audience for the product.
The phrase “animal testing” can make people think of the stereotypical lab setting with rats in cages running around trying to find cheese. While the rats shouldn’t be included in the animal testing either, there are many more animals that get thrown into testing.
Every year, approximately 100,000 to 200,000 animals die in product testing. These animals include rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and mice. Dogs and monkeys aren’t used to test products like cosmetics, but they are used to test other chemicals like the botulinum toxin. None of the animals know what they’re being subjected to and deserve to have a life free of cruelty just like any other living being.
Find the Testing Alternatives
Because of the well-known practice of animal testing, it’s easy to assume that all products need to be tested before the public can have access to them. While it’s true that products should be tested so they are guaranteed to work the way they were designed to do, they don’t need to be tested on animals.
Companies and major industries know that they can use thousands of historically safe ingredients in their products instead of newer ingredients and harsher chemicals. The appeal to companies is that what’s less ethical is typically less expensive, but they should know that people care about what they buy and how it’s created.
Look for the Right Brands
The challenge for consumers who won’t stand for makeup testing on animals is that it narrows down what you can buy in the store. You may have to spend time searching for products online and locating what stores they’re sold at it.
It can put a kink in the routine of where you get your products, but it will get you closer to brands that have the same ethical standards as you do. Once you find those brands, they will most likely be more expensive than the big name brands at the usual stores who are able to put on mass sales and discounts because of what their products are made of.
Don’t worry about the cost of switch brands. There are cost-effective ways to green your beauty routine without having to sacrifice more money than you’re able to spend. You can read labels at your local stores or even make your own makeup so you know what’s going in it and that it’s right for you.
The smart move to make would be to start small. Don’t think you have to throw out everything you own and replace it all in one day. Switch out smaller products like makeup removers and household cleaners. It’ll be a good step forward as you continue to learn about new brands you’ll love and all the cruelty-free options that are at your disposal.
Opposing Makeup Testing on Animals: Get Involved
The other side of wanting to stop animal testing is actually making an impact. Buying different products on your own isn’t going to make a dent in the massive profits taken in by industries every day. Still, you can look for programs that are aligned with your personal goal of ending animal testing to allow your passion to have a bigger role in changing the world.
The key to getting the attention of large industries is to make some noise. You can sign a global cruelty-free pledge online to add your name to thousands of others who are pledging to end animal testing. One good thing you can rely on with companies is that they’re going to do research on what their target audience base wants, so if they see people wanting cruelty-free production processes, they’ll be more inclined to change.
If you’re able, you can also donate to programs who work to free animals from lab sites directly, instead of waiting on companies to change production habits. You can support groups like Lab Animal Defender with monthly donations. These groups can’t run without help, and when you think about it, you’ll be investing in a better future for everyone involved.
Products need to be tested before being sold so that consumers know that they’re buying safe and reliable beauty products, but testing makeup on animals can be cruel. Animals can’t give consent or understand the effects of the testing, so be their advocate and do your part to end animal testing.
You can buy only cruelty-free brands and put your time and money towards programs that believe in that same goal. Sign petitions and make your voice heard to get industries to stop and listen. As one person, you may not feel like you have much power, but with the right tips, you can be part of a movement that changes the world for animals across the globe.
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About the author
Jane Marsh
Starting from an early age, Jane Marsh loved all animals and became a budding environmentalist. Now, Jane works as the Editor-in-Chief of where she covers topics related to climate policy, renewable energy, the food industry, and more.