7 Types of Green Technology You Can Add to Your Home
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With climate change continuing to worry the global population, there need to be significant changes in the mindsets of every person on the planet. Pollution, whether it’s air, water or land, has seemingly gone out of control. Industries and individuals continue to use and rely on nonrenewable resources like fossil fuels for energy.
Fortunately, although the Earth’s demise seems irreversible, there are ways to at least slow climate change for now. Green technology — also known as clean technology — can help rescue this planet. Inventors, scientists, and environmentalists worldwide continue creating solutions to reduce the effects of climate change.
What Is Green Technology?
Green technology is an umbrella term for all technologies and science to make various eco-friendly products and services available. This includes using clean energy instead of fossil fuels, recycling, innovative technologies and anything else that reduces the impact of climate change on the environment.
Overall, green technology’s goal is to protect the environment and try to reverse the previous damage caused by human activities. Many businesses make goals to be more environmentally-friendly by adding green technology. Individual homes do the same as well.
Types of Green Technology for Your Home
You can implement green technology in nearly any part of your home. By switching to green tech, you’ll save money, energy and will be helping the environment. Here are some of the types of green technology you can incorporate into your home for a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
1. Recycling Bin
One of the most basic and inexpensive green technologies is the recycling bin. While the container itself isn’t really “technology,” what occurs after you send your bin of paper, aluminum cans or glass is green technology. Once you recycle a product, it goes to the recycling center, where green technology sorts it to ensure it is properly recycled.
The average American throws away nearly five pounds of waste every day. A good portion of that can likely be recycled. If you commit to recycling, you’ll be part of the change to improve the environment.
2. Solar Panels
Solar panels are probably one of the first things that come to mind when you think about green technology. Modern designs are incredibly efficient, and they can be placed almost anywhere in the world as long as the sun shines.
You can install your own or hire someone to install them for you. Once in place, you’ll be able to get energy from the sun to power anything you need to in your home. Plus, you’ll save money on energy bills in the long run.
3. Smart Thermostat
Another great green technology investment for your home is the smart thermostat. Living in a region that experiences all of the seasons can hike up energy bills and may no doubt have you changing your thermostat on a daily basis.
Smart thermostats control the temperature in your home for you, ensuring you’re not wasting energy. You set up a program for your thermostat so you’re not heating or cooling an empty house during the day, and it kicks on right before you return from your job or errands.
4. Rain Barrels
Rain barrels collect and store rainwater. Water can then be used whenever needed and accessed through a faucet at the bottom of the barrel.
This is especially useful if you have a large garden, as using rainwater to irrigate will reduce a home’s overall water usage and save you money. Because the water does not have to be transported, it is better for the environment as well.
5. Smart Power Strips
Think about how many cords are plugged into the outlets in your home. Do you keep them plugged in even when you’re not using them? You’re not the only one — many people keep frequently used electronics and appliances plugged in out of convenience. However, they still suck energy even when they’re off.
Smart power strips use a controlling device to stop the energy vampires. It completely turns off the device and doesn’t allow extra energy to be used, saving you money and helping the environment!
6. Backyard Wind Turbines
If you live in a windy area, installing compact turbines in your yard can be a great way to produce clean energy and improve your home’s sustainability. Many people associate wind electric systems with massive farms spanning hundreds of acres. However, smaller models have been available for some time now and can generate anything from 400 watts to 20 kilowatts, depending on your home’s needs.
The most important thing is the device placement. To capture uninterrupted wind flow, install your turbines at least 30 feet above existing obstacles, such as trees and buildings within 300 feet.
7. Tankless Water Heaters
Traditional tank water heaters require you to run the tap for several minutes before hot water is available, wasting both water and energy. Also known as “on-demand” water heaters, tankless systems minimize waste and contribute to greater conservation. There’s also no energy lost since these systems provide piping hot water whenever you turn on the tap.
The Department of Energy estimates that tankless water heaters can be 24%–34% more efficient in homes that use 41 gallons or less of hot water daily. The potential downside is that you will need to make a fairly hefty upfront investment to buy and install this system. Nevertheless, the outlay may be worth it, as tankless heaters have a much longer life expectancy than their conventional counterparts. Plus, you’ll save money on reduced annual utility costs.
Make Your Home Greener with Green Technology
You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to make your home greener. Adding simple things like smart power strips, programmable thermostats and a recycling bin to your home can make a world of difference for the environment and the fight against climate change. Other innovations, like solar panels and rain barrels, cost a bit more upfront but will save you money, energy and water down the road.
Investing in at least one of the many types of green technology can lead to a lifetime of sustainable choices for both you and the environment.
This post was updated on September 26, 2024, with more updated information.
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About the author
Jane Marsh
Starting from an early age, Jane Marsh loved all animals and became a budding environmentalist. Now, Jane works as the Editor-in-Chief of Environment.co where she covers topics related to climate policy, renewable energy, the food industry, and more.