Geothermal Energy Installers in Rochester, New York

Geothermal Energy Installers in Rochester, New York

Geothermal heating and cooling systems are location-dependent, so many residential areas can’t take advantage of them. Luckily for the residents of New York State, it’s available. Plenty of installers offer geothermal energy for Rochester residents. 

Is Rochester Investing in Geothermal Energy?

The city of Rochester has been working with the state government to revitalize downtown. For example, it has proposed turning the Edwards building on St. Paul Street into a flourishing apartment with a geothermal heating and cooling system. The building has been vacant for over two decades, so the plan is to redevelop it.

The Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) is a program that’s supposed to increase the quality of life for residents. Its $2.75 million donation toward the project adds to the total cost of $36 million in non-DRI funding. The apartment building has nearly 14,000 square feet with 114 units, so overhauling it to create extensive, affordable housing is the goal.

It has about 111 geothermal wells capable of providing consistent heat and cooling to every tenant. On top of that, it’ll be able to supply nearby lots with renewable energy once the city refurbishes it. Since the operating and maintenance costs are generally much lower than conventional heating and cooling systems, every unit will spend less on utilities.

Is Using Geothermal Energy in Rochester Beneficial?

A benefit of geothermal is that it’s renewable. On top of being better for the environment, the cost to run and maintain a system stays the same. Unlike fossil fuels, there aren’t spikes in price because of resource availability. It’s also more attractive to many homeowners than clean alternatives like solar or wind because it’s not dependent on the weather. Since the Earth’s internal temperature is relatively unchanged over time, geothermal heat pumps can run continuously. 

Geothermal Energy Installers in Rochester, New York

The fact that systems are heavily location-dependent is one of the biggest reasons people put off installing geothermal energy. However, you don’t have to concern yourself with that because it’s available in Rochester. Multiple installers offer their services to residents. Geothermal plants can produce energy constantly, meaning it’s also one of your most reliable options. 

GEOTHERM is one of the larger geothermal energy installers serving Rochester. It claims that a system can last for up to 50 years and perform at 500% efficiency as compared to alternatives using fossil fuel. The services it offers are design, installation, and maintenance.

For a free virtual quote, head to Aces Energy. You can fill out a detailed form on the website so the experts can get back to you with a super accurate estimate. It asks if you prefer to video chat, call or email. Also, it requests you include photos of your current heating and distribution systems so the installers know what to expect. 

The geothermal company Halco states one of its systems can cover a building’s heating and cooling requirements up to 100%, claiming it eliminates the need for a separate water heater. It offers services for commercial and residential lots. 

Capital Heat Incorporated is another designer and installer in Rochester. It’s been in business since 1957, meaning it’s one of the only options in the area with significant expertise and resources. The business model is heavily family oriented and focuses on customers. As a result, it has a maintenance program that rewards loyalty with savings. Members receive 20% off every service for a $110 annual payment. It also offers 10% discounts to a variety of non-members.

The business Triple-O is on call at any hour to provide maintenance services or preventative care. It also offers $100 off new geothermal water heaters as of June 2023. It’s a solid choice for residents of Rochester looking for reliability.

How Much Does Geothermal Installation Cost?

The initial installation price is usually high, but most people are drawn to it because it’s much more affordable in the long run. On average, you’ll pay anywhere from $15,000 to $35,000 to put a new geothermal heat pump in, but running it can cost up to 65% less than alternatives. The sticker shock is enough to make many people wary, but its efficiency can pay off.

For example, it can reach an efficiency rating of 400% in the right conditions, while a gas furnace maxes out at 94% on average. Although predicting long-term savings is simple, finding an exact cost for installation can be challenging.

Each company listed earlier has similar claims, so we recommend comparison shopping to see which option best fits your home. It’s reasonable for none of the websites to list prices because they vary widely, so the only way to do so is to request a quote. You can call, email, or fill out a form at each of the websites mentioned above.

Price and Availability Factors

You can only get an accurate quote if you consider all the price and availability factors. You must know what type of home you have and the system you plan to install at minimum.

There are a few main variables for the use of geothermal energy in Rochester:

  • Building type: The type of building you have impacts which systems are available and what size you can get. For example, you could get a ground source central duct system for a single-story house or a ductless mini-split system for an apartment. Thanks to the government, New York residents can explore options specific to their homes with an interactive quiz. 
  • Installer: Every installation company has different quotes. Typically, they base them on their experience, labor and materials. Some may even offer rebates or credits. Many are also only available in certain parts of the city.
  • Insulation: How well-insulated your home is will impact how much it costs to use geothermal energy. The state of New York sometimes requires insulation checks and updates before installation because it affects system efficiency.

Most residential and commercial buildings can usually install a system, but it depends on the type, size, and installation company. 

Can the State Help With Residential Installation Costs?

The state government has a website where you can find available rebates for geothermal energy installations in Rochester. It’s a short, interactive questionnaire that gives you a list of saving opportunities. You can use it to choose which system best fits you.

New York State offers multiple low-interest loans for those who qualify. For example, the On-Bill Recovery Loan caps your monthly payments. Let’s say your original bill was $200 a month, and you only spend $50 with the new system. Repayments would max out at $150. While you’re technically sound on the loan, it shouldn’t cost you anything extra — and you get the benefits of geothermal heating and cooling.

Geothermal Systems for Rochester, New York

The benefits of a geothermal heating and cooling system outweigh the costs for many people, so it’s an even better deal with the incentives the state offers. Rochester is also participating in revitalization projects that will soon bring the renewable energy source to its residents.